As Borusan EnBW Enerji, we have adopted the principle of managing and supervising our supply processes according to international standards and working with suppliers of the same quality and standards.
In this scope;
- To ensure that our suppliers understand Borusan Group's business principles and business ethics rules and fully comply with all of these principles and rules,
- To ensure that our suppliers fulfill our environmental and social management system requirements, including supplier code of conduct, and have their own management systems that comply with relevant national and international requirements when applicable,
- To ensure that our suppliers fulfill all social requirements, including prevention of child labor and forced labor, prevention of discrimination, harassment, abuse, bribery and corruption, in addition to all national and international requirements regarding environment, health and safety,
- To ensure that our suppliers comply with the principles of sustainable material supply and protect natural resources,
- Establishing long-term relationships based on a mutual win-win philosophy with reliable suppliers that comply with our supplier selection criteria, have high quality, health, safety, environmental and social awareness, and comply with our company culture,
We have adopted the principle of establishing accurate and transparent communication with our suppliers, with the Environmental and Social Impact Assessment studies of our company, the "Supply Chain Management Plan" prepared within the scope of the Environmental and Social Integrated Management System, audit and reporting mechanisms.